
♻ ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – Every day 3000 tons of garbage are generated by tissue paper, paper towels and toilet paper, the pandoo bamboo towels help to avoid them. Bamboo is a sustainable and environmentally friendly resource and can grow up to 1 meter a day. Our bamboo is grown organically and without pesticides.
♻ SAVE MONEY – One roll of pandoo bamboo towels replaces about 60 rolls of conventional kitchen towels. Save money, space and help protect the environment!
♻ STRAPAZIERFÜHIG, EXTREMELY SUCTILE AND WASHABLE – pandoo bamboo paper towels are tougher, more absorbent and more durable than traditional household rolls. And they can be washed up to 100 times in the washing machine! After each wash, the paper towels become even softer and more absorbent!

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In an average household, 2 – 4 rolls of kitchen towels are used every week. Is this sustainable?

– Every day 3,000 tons of garbage is generated by tissue paper.
– Every fifth tree felled is turned into paper.
– Every hour about 530 football pitches are cut down

A German uses on average about 250 kg of paper per year, about five times as much as an average inhabitant of the earth.
All Germans together consume 20 million tons of paper per year. That’s as much as Africa and South America combined.
It’s a crime that 700-year-old trees are felled for tissue paper that ends up in the garbage immediately after use.

It is THE alternative to traditional household rolls!

– replaces up to 60 rolls of paper towels: Saves money, space and you don’t have to buy new ones all the time!
– Protects the environment: Bamboo is a sustainable and environmentally friendly resource. Bamboo is not a tree but grass and can grow up to one meter a day!
– The kitchen towels are more absorbent, more stable and more durable than paper towels. They can be washed up to 100 times in the washing machine!

The new and innovative way to keep the house clean while protecting the environment. Our bamboo paper towels are made from 100% sustainably grown bamboo.

Many-sided usable when cleaning:
♻ for rinsing
♻ for drying
♻ for dust wiping
♻ for polishing
♻ for window cleaning
♻ for bathing
♻ for kitchen
♻ for car
♻ for workshop
♻ For all surfaces: Glass, porcelain, wood, marble, granite, stainless steel, vinyl, plastic, leather

The kitchen towels completely replace rags, Zewa, tea towel, dusters, dish cloths and paper towels. They combine the best characteristics in one cloth and are therefore the new wonder weapon in the household.
♻ ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – Every day 3000 tons of garbage are generated by tissue paper, paper towels and toilet paper, the pandoo bamboo towels help to avoid them. Bamboo is a sustainable and environmentally friendly resource and can grow up to 1 meter a day. Our bamboo is grown organically and without pesticides.
♻ SAVE MONEY – One roll of pandoo bamboo towels replaces about 60 rolls of conventional kitchen towels. Save money, space and help protect the environment!
♻ STRAPAZIERFÜHIG, EXTREMELY SUCTILE AND WASHABLE – pandoo bamboo paper towels are tougher, more absorbent and more durable than traditional household rolls. And they can be washed up to 100 times in the washing machine! After each wash, the paper towels become even softer and more absorbent!
♻ ANTIBACTERIAL & HYPOALLERGIC – bamboo fibres are antibacterial, hypoallergenic and antimicrobial. The kitchen towels can be used easily and safely on all surfaces.
♻ NEVER PAPER TOWELS AGAIN – The pandoo kitchen roll completely replaces the conventional paper towels. A cake roll consists of 20 towels that can be washed 100 times. After washing, simply store in a drawer and use over and over again.

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