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We have seen the news, stood with jaw dropped at the images in the media, and been through the anger and emotions that come with waking up to the devastation that plastic pollution is having on our environment. So how to stop using plastic and work towards decreasing the size of our plastic footprint in order to play our part in cleaning up the planet?

In this post we will be looking into various aspects of our lives and pointing out areas where we could make small changes which really can help to decrease our use of single-use plastic and disposable plastic products.

This blog post aims to be built up over time to cover the many situations we may find ourselves in, with the hope we can help you to make the decisions which could lead us to live a more plastic free life for the sake of our environment and for ourselves as part of that environment.

Below we are going to look at what a typical day in the life of someone who is striving to live as plastic-free as possible could be like in order to showcase products and spread new inventive ideas for living. By making various decisions along the way, by choosing to use more environmentally friendly products and by adjusting our lifestyles we just may be able to make our consumption of single-use plastic become a thing of the past…

Although we do recommend products which contain less plastic and are potentially less damaging to the environment, we would always advise people first and foremost to reuse or to make use of products which are already owned and still have a serviceable lifespan. Please don’t throw something away simply because there is now a greener product available! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are the golden rules to follow here…

Wake up and choose to be plastic free!